Emergency 5 mods

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3) Emergency Motion by Debtor for Approval of Post-Petition Financing (Doc #8) - granted on final basis as discussed in open court order by Luna. A Continued hearing is set for at 10:00am (AOCNFNG) 2) Emergency Motion by Debtor to Use Cash Collateral (Doc #6) - granted on interim basis thru 8/12/21 Order by Luna. 218 Jackson LLC: Hearing Proceeding Memo: Hearing Held - APPEARANCES: Justin Luna / Ben Taylor / Dan Velasquez for the Debtor Rick Webber: SubV Trustee Jill Kelso: UST Jason Slatkin: NLAC WITNESS: Amos Vizer: Debtor EVIDENCE: Debtor's Exhibits #1-12 Admitted NLAC Exhibits #1-27 Admitted RULING: 1) Confirmation Hearing Chapter 11 Plan (Doc #35) - Modifications to Plan (Doc #113) - Second Modifications to Plan (Doc #128) - Third Modifications to Plan (Doc #139) - Objection by National Loan Acquisitions Company to Confirmation of Plan (Doc #115) - Objection by SubV Trustee to Confirmation of Plan (Doc #117) - Confirmation Affidavit (Doc #119) - Ballot Tabulation (Doc #118) - Under Advisement.